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Countries with legislated quotas could achieve gender balance in parliaments by 2026


Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Image: GaudiLab/Shutterstock_Countries with legislated quotas could achieve gender balance in parliaments by 2026

Over the last 20 years, gender balance (quota of at least 40 % of each gender) has improved in EU Member States’ parliaments. And the application of legislative quotas that aims to ensure a minimum proportion of each gender among candidates has played a key role.


Our Land Acknowledgment

Balance the Power acknowledges that the land on which we live and work is the homeland of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, who have lived on it for millennia. We recognize the genocidal policies implemented against Indigenous peoples by settlers and many elected governments. We profoundly regret that historical and contemporary policies continue to disenfranchise Indigenous communities.

On Indigenous Inclusion

Meaningful participation and inclusion of Indigenous women and gender-diverse people is central to the premise and spirit of this campaign. We have and will continue to seek Indigenous perspectives and experiences to inform and guide this campaign.

Urge your elected representatives to sign the pledge to increase the diversity and representation of women and equity-deserving communities in our elected bodies.

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Balance the Power is a project of Informed Opinions, supported by funding for systemic change from Women and Gender Equality Canada.

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